Legal Gambling Age In Ontario

  • The interactive map highlights a huge range of gambling ages and legal situations globally. There is a lot of information to read through and analyze yourself. Lotteries in Ontario are 18.
  • Hey all, I've read online that the drinking and gambling age in Niagra falls is 19. I was wondering how strictly that's enforced- my sister is the only one under 19 in my family, and the rest of us would like to drink and gamble at some.

Legal Gambling Age In Ontario

Legal gambling age in ontario california

The legal age for gambling in Ontario is 18. You can buy lottery tickets and play bingo. But if you wish to gamble where alcohol is served you must be 19, as the drinking age in Ontario is 19. Northwest Territories/Nanavut Territories: Minimum age here is 19 with the state-run lottery being legal. Nova Scotia: Minimum gambling age in this province is 19 with the state-run lottery being government sanctioned. Ontario: Here the minimum gambling age is 19 with the state-run lottery again being considered officially legal.

Legal Gambling Age In Ontario State

Gambling as an industry is not a novelty in Canada. It is a striving business, permitted and regulated by law, a form of entertainment enjoyed by locals and tourists alike. Due to its liberal stance towards gambling, the country has profited from gambling activities for years and we’ve been curious about the statistics of gambling nationwide. How do the Canadian betting appetites translate to numbers and what tendencies do these data reveal? Sure, looking at percentages and pie charts is not always fun (it rarely is, honestly), but we’ll try to look beyond the figures and flush out some of the most interesting conclusions regarding casino statistics.